Sa Creueta (Tàrbena)

Start Town Altitude Elevation Gain Length Gradient Difficulty Rating
Tàrbena 780m 261m 7.6 km 3.4% 145 ***

Sa Creueta - Tàrbena - Cycling Profile

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Climb Description

Sa Creueta is more of an extension to other climbs, rather than a serious mountain in its own right. In particular, it is a nice option to extend rides to Coll de Rates and Tàrbena.

It is mostly gentle climbing until the final 400m, where the gradients kick up well into double figures. Sa Creueta is commonly used by professionals training in the area, who include it on longer routes, and it also has fantastic mountain scenery, for riders who prefer to take their and appreciate the surroundings!

Sa Creueta is open throughout the whole year.

Sa Creueta from Tàrbena - Costa Blanca Cycling Climb

This rolling section comes shortly before the top

Roads & Traffic

The road is in very good condition throughout and there is little traffic on the climb.

Alternative Routes

Sa Creueta can also be climbed from Castell de Castells. This is a short ascent and is mostly quite gently. But there are a couple of tough sections where the gradient tops out above 15%.

Nearby Climbs

Coll de Rates


Puerto de Confrides

Pla de Petracos

Port d'Ebo



Alto de Margarida

Cycling Holidays

Sa Creueta can be climbed as a route extension option on our Mountains of the Costa Blanca cycling holiday.

In the links below you can find out more about this and some similar tours that we run in the mountains of Spain.

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